Docker Gentoo

There are several ways to get asciinema recorder:

OpenRC is a dependency-based init system that maintains compatibility with the system provided init program, normally located in /sbin/init.It is Gentoo's native init system, although other systems are available.

If you use other operating system and you can build a native package for it thendon’t hesitate, do it and let us know. We have Githubissue where we track newreleases and packaging progress.

Installing via Pip

OpenRC is a dependency-based init system that maintains compatibility with the system provided init program, normally located in /sbin/init.It is Gentoo's native init system, although other systems are available. A docker container that comes pre-installed with the server, modules and web client. This is a very simple way of locally installing and exploring the application. It is also production ready for easy deployment. These images are updated every week. Download Desktop Client. A ready-to-use client for your desktop. Manually creating the file¶. To manually create the file, simply use your text editor to create the file (you can copy to get a minimal configuration file) in the main (top-level) phpMyAdmin directory (the one that contains index.php). PhpMyAdmin first loads libraries/config.default.php and then overrides those values with anything found in Run our official Docker images, prepackaged with varied language combinations. To fine-tune Unit to your goals, download the sources, install the toolchain, and build a custom binary from scratch; just make sure you know what you’re doing.

asciinema is available on PyPI and canbe installed with pip (Python 3 required):

This is the universal installation method for all operating systems, whichalways provides the latest version.

Docker gentoo command

Installing on Linux

Arch Linux



For Fedora < 22:

For Fedora >= 22:

Gentoo Linux

NixOS / Nix




Installing on macOS




Installing on FreeBSD


Docker gentoo server


Installing on OpenBSD

Running in Docker container

asciinema Docker image is based on Ubuntu 16.04 and has the latest version ofasciinema recorder pre-installed.

When running it don’t forget to allocate a pseudo-TTY (-t), keep STDIN open(-i) and mount config directory volume (-v):

Default command run in a container is asciinema rec.

There’s not much software installed in this image though. In most cases you maywant to install extra programs before recording. One option is to derive newimage from this one (start your custom Dockerfile with FROM asciinema/asciinema). Another option is to start the container with /bin/bashas the command, install extra packages and manually start asciinema rec:


Docker Gentoo Ubuntu

Running from source

Docker Gentoo Tutorial

If none of the above works for you (or you want to help with development) justclone the repo and run latest version of asciinema straight from the masterbranch: